Monday, March 23, 2009

Legal Eaze #64 Conservatorship/Bankrupt Store Claim

Title: February 21, 2007

Q. My son is 38 years old. He is schizophrenic and manic-depressive. He cannot keep a job, and gets into trouble with the law all the time. He receives disability checks, but spends the money within 2 or 3 days after receiving it. The rest of the month, he is broke. He spends his money on beer, cigarettes and buys stuff for his “friends”. His friends are freeloaders who take advantage of his disability. He comes to my house just about every day to get fed, take a shower and get his clothes washed, but otherwise, I don’t know where he sleeps. He refuses to tell me. I tried to follow him but was unsuccessful. What should I do to help him?

A. It appears that your son may need a conservator. As his mother, you can file a Petition for Conservatorship over his person and his estate with the Superior Court. The Court will appoint an investigator (at your cost) to find out whether or not a conservatorship is the right way to go. If you are appointed his conservator (for the person and the estate), you will have the power to make decisions about how his money is spent, and where he will live, among other responsibilities. His care and well-being will be in your hands. A temporary Conservatorship might be granted by the Court (you have to file a Petition for Temporary Conservatorship at the same time as the Petition for General Conservatorship) until the Court investigator has completed a report. This process would be simplified if your son is willing to cooperate and agrees with your conservatorship over him.

Q. I purchased a diamond ring for my wife to give to her during the holidays. I bought it from a jewelry store that since went bankrupt. I paid several hundreds of dollars for the ring. My wife had the ring appraised and found out that the stone is a cubic zirconium, a total fake. I am furious at myself for having been fooled. My wife is furious at me for giving her a fake diamond ring. What do you suggest I do?

A. Since the company has filed for bankruptcy, you need to find out where the bankruptcy case was filed and file a claim with the Bankruptcy Court. If the store gave you a certificate of authenticity with the diamond ring, that can be used as proof that you overpaid for the CZ ring. It might be too late for you to file a claim, depending on how long ago the store filed bankruptcy, but it does not hurt to try.

Maxine de Villefranche is an attorney and civil general practitioner with 14 years of experience. She practices law from her Tehachapi office as well as her Lancaster satellite office. She will answer legal questions posed to her by the readers to the best of her abilities. Email your questions to or fax to (661)825-8880

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