Monday, March 23, 2009

Legal Eaze #63 Destructive Child/Prepaid Legal Plans

Title: February 7, 2007

Q. I am a single mother of two. My son is 12 years old and my daughter, 7 years old. Their father has been in prison for the last 5 years. My son is very big for his age and it has been reported to me that he is a bully at school. I searched his room on several occasions, and he appears to have a growing collection of items that I believe he took by force from other kids, such as backpacks, fancy pens, journals, jackets and shirts, etc. I also caught him once burning the tail of our family dog. I just do not know what to do to stop my son from this destructive behavior and I am terribly worried that he will eventually hurt another kid and I will be sued for his actions. Please help!

A. I certainly cannot be the first professional that you have turned to for help! An attorney may not be the best person to give you advice in this situation. Drastic measures need to be taken very quickly before your son turns into a habitual criminal. Either he needs to be scared straight, or be in therapy, or both. He is showing all the signs of growing up to be the worst kind of human being possible. I am sure there are counselors available at his school. I would suggest consulting a psychologist who could provide you with guidance. Make sure to question your daughter about her brother’s behavior towards her. If your son is a bully at school, he may also be a bully at home, harming your daughter. In the meantime, I believe it would be a good idea for you to place the family dog with another family. I would hate for both your daughter and your dog to be injured by your son. You have a very serious problem on your hands and I am afraid that you have little influence or control over the dangerous propensities shown by your son. Please get some professional help as soon as possible.

Q. Is there such a thing as “legal insurance” just like “health insurance”? Can you please tell me where to find it?

A. Yes there is. There are several Prepaid legal plans available on the market. However, I cannot advertise any one of them, so I would suggest you go on the Internet, using your favorite search engine and input the words “Prepaid Legal Plans”. Several plans will come up. Contact each one and find out the requirements for joining the Plan. Good luck!

Maxine de Villefranche is an attorney and civil general practitioner with 14 years of experience. She practices law from her Tehachapi office as well as her Lancaster satellite office. She will answer legal questions posed to her by the readers to the best of her abilities. Email your questions to or fax to (661)825-8880

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