Thursday, March 12, 2009

Legal Eaze #37 Hepatitis from Restaurant, School Bus Accident

Title: December 7, 2005

Maxine de Villefranche is an attorney and civil general practitioner with 13 years of experience. She operates her law practice from her new office in town, as well her Lancaster satellite office. She will answer legal questions posed to her by the readers, to the best of her abilities. Please forward your questions to or fax them to (661)825-8880.

Q. I heard that several people caught Hepatitis A from patronizing a local restaurant. A member of my family went there not long ago. I am very concerned for my family’s health. What is the restaurant’s liability for making people sick from contaminated food?
A. If getting Hepatitis A can be traced to contaminated food from this restaurant, the owner(s) of the restaurant will be liable for any damages sustained as a result of catching this dreadful disease. Infected individuals can unknowingly infect others two weeks prior to feeling ill themselves. So you are justified in being concerned. Damages the restaurant’s owners can be sued for include medical care, income loss, pain and suffering, mental anguish, loss of consortium, etc. Hepatitis A is a serious disease and kills approximately 100 people in this country every year. Tracing of the origins of the disease must be confirmed however before filing any lawsuits. So, you must be sure that the disease was contracted due to contaminated food or unsanitary conditions at this restaurant.
Q. My son rides on a school bus everyday. Because the bus driver has ill feelings towards my son, he must sit in the front row everyday. I was informed by him that because he is in the front row, he can see everything in front of the bus and what the driver is doing while driving the bus. The driver is constantly watching the rear of the bus through her back view mirror instead of watching where she is driving the bus. Not long ago, she almost hit a child who was right in front of the bus. I am fearful that this driver is going to cause an accident pretty soon while she has several children as passengers. What can be done about this?
A. First and foremost, I would let her supervisor know that her driving is dangerous. It is indeed the duty of a school bus driver to ensure that the kids in her care behave. But, her first duty is to ensure their safety. If supervision of the children becomes her primary focus, then she needs to have a driver who will focus on driving the bus. By notifying her supervisor, the school district will become aware of the dangers the children are facing while in this bus driver’s care. If an accident does occur, the school district will become liable through the “respondeat superior” theory which means that the employer becomes liable for damages incurred as a result of their employee’s negligence while she is working.

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