Sunday, January 4, 2009

Legal Eaze #17 Water Runoff/Animal Regulation

Originally Printed: March 9, 2005

Maxine de Villefranche is an attorney and civil general practitioner with 12 years of experience. She operates her law practice from her new office in town, as well her Lancaster satellite office. She will answer legal questions posed to her by the readers, to the best of her abilities. Please forward your questions to

Q. Our house sits in the middle of a small valley formation which has a caused us substantial problems with all the rain we’ve had. The runoff comes right to our back door. I dug a canal leading from the top of our backyard all the way to one side of my property, on the line between my neighbor’s property and ours. Since our entire property is on an incline going down toward the road, I figured the water will just go straight down to the road and keep going down the hill. My neighbor informed me that the water runoff is now coming straight at his house and he is very angry. What do we do?
A. By digging a canal to let the water runoff go to the side of your property instead of right at your house, you have created a monster. First of all, your house was obviously built in the wrong place. Second, you cannot divert your problem to your neighbor. Although I am not a builder, you should continue digging the canal all the way to the road. A soon as the weather permits, you should install “French gulches” going around both sides of your house all the way to the road. If you have caused damage to your neighbor’s property, you are liable for such damages. If you bought this house from someone else, they should have told you that you would have a big problem during the rainy season. However, to be frank, this problem should have been obvious the minute you bought this house or had it built.
Q. As I was walking in my neighborhood with my two little dogs on a leash, a large dog came out of a front yard and attacked my dogs. While I tried to protect my animals, the black bit me on the leg. One of my dogs had a huge gash on its hip and my other dog managed to get loose and ran away. He came home after spending 24 hours in the rain and developed a bad cough. I went by the house where the dog lives, but there’s never anyone there. What can I do?
A. You need to call the Department of Animal Regulation and make a complaint. They will investigate. However, in order to get reimbursed for your bit and the veterinary care of your animals, you need to find out who owns the house and who owns the dob. That person is liable for your damages. The law is very clear in that dogs must be restrained and if someone is injured by a loose dog, its owner is strictly liable.

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