Sunday, January 4, 2009

Legal Eaze #13 Road Rage

Originally Printed: January 12, 2005

Maxine de Villefranche is an attorney and civil general practitioner with 12 years of experience. She operates her law practice from her home office in Alpine Forest, as well her Lancaster satellite office. She will answer legal questions posed to her by the readers, to the best of her abilities. Please forward your questions to

Q. This is about road rage. I was on my way home at 9 p.m. and came to a stop light at Tucker and Valley Boulevard. A big Ram 3500 truck was following me very closely and actually hit me in the back as I was waiting to make a right turn on Valley Boulevard. I moved the car into the first parking lot available while the truck was still behind me. I got out of the car to check and make sure there was no damage, but there was a lot of damage. There was a huge dent right in the middle of my trunk where his front grill imprinted itself. As I approached the driver of the truck who had not yet opened his window, I shouted I needed to see his driver’s license and his insurance card. He then opened his window and started screaming at me on the top of his lungs, calling me foul names and saying that I had no business driving so slowly on city streets. I was totally taken by surprise as I got off the 58 and was driving at a speed considered safe while driving in sleet and rain. I became scared because he appeared to be a big man totally out of control as he started to open his door. I thought he was going to attack me. As he was still screaming at me, I ran back to my car and drove away. Now I have a huge dent in the trunk of my car, and am angry about what happened. What do I do?
A. You failed to tell me whether you wrote down his license number. Tucker and Valley Blvd., is a pretty busy corner, wasn’t there anyone around? Do you have a cell phone? If you do, that was the time to use it and call the police immediately. This man was at fault. He apparently scared you out of getting the information you were entitled to. I am not sure why so many people feel invulnerable when they get into their big truck or SUV, and are literally ready to kill or drive over anyone who does not drive fast enough. First, you need to report this to the police, then report it to your insurance company. They will investigate the incident. If you did not write down the license plate number, you may be out of luck. If there is a next time, do not run away. Just sit in your car, call the police and write down the license plate number and take note of any characteristics the offending vehicle may have.

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