Monday, January 5, 2009

Legal Eaze #21 Pregnant/ Collections Agency

Originally Printed: May 4, 2005

Maxine de Villefranche is an attorney and civil general practitioner with 13 years of experience. She operates her law practice from her new office in town, as well her Lancaster satellite office. She will answer legal questions posed to her by the readers, to the best of her abilities. Please forward your questions to

Q. I am 16 years old and pregnant. My boyfriend is 18 years old. My parents like him and do not want to press charges against him. My parents and I are worried that the hospital staff at the hospital I go to when it is time to give birth will call the police on my boyfriend. Can the hospital staff do that? Or it is up to my parents?
A. My understanding of criminal law is that no one goes forward with a criminal filing unless there is a complaining victim. Mandated reporting is for child abuse only, not for impregnation of a minor, even if in violation of statutory rape laws. Please note that I am a “civil” general practitioner and only handle minor criminal matters. You would be best served by asking an attorney who handles criminal matters of all kinds.
Q. There is a man from a collection agency who keeps calling me with regards to an old debt dating back over 10 years ago. I have told him to leave me alone but he keeps bothering me at home. Somehow, he found out my boyfriend’s telephone number and he calls me there as well. It is legal for this collection agency to keep calling me like this?
A. I believe the Statute of Limitations on the debt may have expired. This collection agency can no longer collect on the debt. If you had a written contract with regards to this debt, the Statute of Limitations expired four years after you entered the contract, or four years after you made the last payment on the debt, whichever comes later. If you did not have a written contract, then two years is the applicable Statute of Limitations period. The collection agency may be liable for unfair debt collection practices and it would behoove you to take down the name, address and telephone number of this collection agency so that you can obtain court redress at a later date. It would be difficult for you to sue a collection agency if you do not know its name and contact information.

1 comment:

  1. No matter what is the size of a particular business is, debt collection is always tricky.Especially, when the reputation is at stake as at the end of the day, we deal with people.Any professional collections agency needs to understand this and they should be following the federal law at any cost.
